Friday, 16 December 2011
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Thursday, 17 November 2011
My magazine price and releases!
The price that my Magazine will be is £4.00 as it is quite a cheap affordable price as I am aiming it at people who are maybe at College or University so therefore they may not have a job that pays them much however some people could be in a good job were they are earning much more then what is needed! I will be releasing it on the first Friday of every month that way people won't have to pay to much to get the magazine and there is a copy quite regularly so people don't have to wait to long and can look forward to it.
Target Audience for my Music Magazine
I want to aim my magazine at 16 - 24 year olds; the S.E.G group I’ll be aiming it at is C1 to E. I picked this target audience because the younger generation are a lot more into music. The psychographics I will be aiming my Magazine at will be achievers that way they could also get inspired by the Magazine.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
LIIAR of the Brief
L: My product will need to be eye-catching, look professional, look new and up to date and also meet what is expected of it in the brief. There will be a big bold Masthead like most of the music magazines out there; it will need to be recognizable and also short and Sweet! For example something like ‘NME’ which is short recognizable and one of the best Mastheads in the business! The colours I will use must be bright, eye-catching and make a good house style. A house style is needed in order to make the magazine more professional and attract a bigger audience. The house style used must be consistently used throughout my product. The main image on my front cover needs to be a medium close-up (MCU) you also need to be able to see the person's face and they also need to be showing eye contact. Including the eye contact will bring in a larger audience, this image will also show what the main story is for this issue at the bottom of it. My main image will be the main selling point of the magazine as it will be the anchorage. So therefore it must be clear and show what the story is about, or who the artist is because if the audience doesn’t understand it then they will be less reluctant to buy it. I will also have little pictures and headlines all over the front cover showing other stories in this issue to interest the audience more, and also there shall be teasing content across the top to show other stories and tease the audience with the stories. As all of the other good magazines, mine will include a price and a barcode. These are needed to make the magazine more professional. The barcode must be clearly visible and the price can’t be too expensive or too cheap, because if it’s too expensive people won’t buy it and if it’s too cheap you’ll make no or little profit.
I: The institution the magazine would be representing will be one created by me. I will use other institutions that sell music magazines such as ‘NME’, ‘Q’ and ‘Vibe’ to give me ideas on what sort of layout and structure good music magazines use so I can use them in my product.
I: I want the magazine to give information on what upcoming gigs there are, what artists are up to, give interviews with the favourite artists along with a few Exclusives! It will also show young aspiring artists in a good way rather than them all being ‘hoodies’.
A: I want to aim my magazine at 16 - 24 year olds; the S.E.G group I’ll be aiming it at is C1 to E. I picked this target audience because the younger generation are very into music and also get inspired by it.
R: I would like my magazine to represent music in a good way and promote artists. Rather than being the reason Teens are considered dangerous and intimidating. The magazine will show the artists in a good way and make people inspire to be like them.
Music Genre!
The music genre my music magazine will be on is Pop Music! I have chosen this genre as it appeals to the younger generation and also this this is the most popular Genre. This Genre of music has lots of different artists in it and most people do like Pop music, so therefore it covers a bigger target audience which will hopefully end up in more sales! Musicians reading this could also get ideas for their own songs too. There are a lot of great artists in this Genre of Music including Adele, JLS, The Saturdays and Jason Derulo (as you can see a song of his below)
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Music Magazine Brief
Main task: the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine (if done as a group task, each member of the group to produce an individual edition of the magazine, following the same house style).
Friday, 4 November 2011
LIIAR Analysis of my magazine
L: My College magazine uses a lot of media products to try and challenge forms and Conventions of real life magazines. Some of the stuff that I have used are things such as; a barcode because all of the best magazines have barcodes so therefore that is what you expect of them so it is then a convention of a magazine, I also used a Banner headline which again is what you would expect a magazine to have to show off their best story, the Banner headline I have used though also includes the word ‘Exclusive’ which only the best of the best magazines usually get to use as it means that no one else has this story and that the thing what the story is about has given it only to this magazine to publish, obviously a Masthead has been used because that is the strongest media convention of a magazine because every good magazine in the world has a big recognisable Masthead on the front cover!
I: The institution that would distribute my College magazine would be the College itself that the magazine is representing which is Wyke College. Wyke College would distribute it because it is exclusively for the students of that College, and it will also be made by the students. It would have to be distributed by Wyke College because anyone outside of Wyke won’t care what’s going on with the College and what will be happening, so therefore it could not be distributed by anyone else as it has no relevance except from to the people inside of Wyke College.
I: My College magazine is aiming to give out information about what is happening at the College in that month (as it is released monthly); it will also be reviewing what has happened at Wyke College in the past month such as if there was any trips for any course, if there was a College party or if there was an exam or piece of coursework. The things that the magazine will be trying to get across to the students are things such as upcoming exams or pieces of coursework with tips on how to do well in them, parties that could be happening soon, interviews from students and teachers and also there will be a little bit of fun in it with ‘confessions of a teacher’ where they have to answer questions that could be embarrassing for them or for other teachers, there will also be ‘Bootroom Banter’ where we’ll interview some of the Wyke sports players and they’ll give us the scoop on their team mates. So overall my College magazine is trying to get across what the College has to offer for the Students, try to help with work that they have and also trying to bring a bit of fun and laughter into it.
A: My target audience has the demographic of about 16-19 year olds because that is the average age in which people attend College. The S.E.G for my Magazine will be class E because students are classed as that because they won't usually be earning a lot of money. The Psychographics of my Magazine is achievers because people that go to College want to achieve A Levels and my Magazine as well as letting them know what’s going on will help them achieve that. I have attracted my audience by surveying what the target audience would be and then surveying on what they would like to read and see on a front cover and made my magazine to suit them!
R: My College magazine will not try and stereo-type anyone in any way as it is not that type of magazine, it will be open for anyone to read and will not be made for any specific type except from the Demographic of College students. The colour of the Masthead is used to represent the House style of Wyke College which is purple so therefore that is why it is purple. All of the headlines and pictures are obviously there to denote what the story about is inside, for example, ‘Pozition College party coming soon!!’ is obviously there to denote that inside there is a story about the College party.
Audience Feedback on Front cover
I asked some of the Students here at Wyke College some questions on what they thought to my magazine, below are the question and the replies I got;
Does the Magazine catch your eye?
Everyone who I asked said that the Magazine caught there eye and was very bright!
Do you think it looks professional?
80% of the Students I asked said that it looked professional, leaving 20% that didn't.
Does it have a good House style?
Around about 90% of the people I asked said the House style was very consistent and makes it look more professional.
Is the text clear?
Everyone said the text is clear and stands out really well!
Other comments that were said:
It's really bright, It could be to bright.
The Headlines stands out really well.
The picture stands out well.
Does the Magazine catch your eye?
Everyone who I asked said that the Magazine caught there eye and was very bright!
Do you think it looks professional?
80% of the Students I asked said that it looked professional, leaving 20% that didn't.
Does it have a good House style?
Around about 90% of the people I asked said the House style was very consistent and makes it look more professional.
Is the text clear?
Everyone said the text is clear and stands out really well!
Other comments that were said:
It's really bright, It could be to bright.
The Headlines stands out really well.
The picture stands out well.
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
How I would promote my Magazine!
I would promote the launch of my magazine by making a viral ad which would be on the Wyke website and also on students e-mail accounts the viral ad would include some of the students because it would give the students more to relate too and it would also make it more appealing because there friends and themselves would want to watch it therefore more people will see it.
I’d make a website that gives out the information that’s going to be in that month’s edition of the magazine, there would also be a choice were you could sign up to the website for £1.50 a month, (which is how much the magazine costs) and you could then read it online. I would also make a Twitter and a Facebook account because the demographic is around 16-19 years old so therefore a lot of those will be on these social networking websites and will therefore see these ads all the time. I could then also put an advert or a link to the website on it.
I would put Banners, signs and posters up around the College as well which would tell you how, where and when you could buy the magazine and it would also show the main features of the magazine so the students can decide if they want to buy that issue or not.
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Some of the pictures i've took
Not quie believable....
Not the right magazine pose!
'I don't like pictures'
Bit too dark.
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
My Go Animate video about Target Audience Target audience video by AdamJHarrison95
Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!
Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Price and Releases
The price that my Magazine will be is £1.50 as it is a cheap affordable price as I am aiming it at people who aren't earning much, and I will be releasing it on the first Friday of every month that way people aren't paying it all the time and there is a copy regularly so people don't have to wait to long.
Target Audience for College magazine
My target audience has the demographic of about 16-19 year olds because that is the average age in which people attend College. The S.E.G for my Magazine will be class E because students are classed as that because they won't usually be earning a lot of money. The Phycographics of my Magazine is achievers because people that go to College want to achieve A Levels and my Magazine as well as letting them know whats going on will help them achieve that.
LIIAR's for 3 College Magazines
(L) This Magazine is very colourful and catches your eye very easily which makes it stand out and also teenagers usually prefer brighter colours rather than dull ones, the Masthead is big and bold which again makes the magazine stand out a lot and it's also easy to recognise as well however it is on the opposite side to what other Magazines usually have it on. The background is all one clear picture so that makes it look more professional but it is missing a barcode and price which makes it less professional. On the contents page the language used is more slang which will appeal to the Students because they'll relate to it. There is a few colours used in the contents page so its hard to work out the house style but it makes it stand out well and looks really good.
(I) The institution that produce this Magazine is Grimsby College, you know because of the logo and e-mail on the front cover.
(I) The Magazine is made to tell the Students at the College whats going on in a way that they can relate to and makes it more interesting for them.
(A) The audience for the Magazine is people around 16-19 because thats the demographic of College students so therefore has the biggest potential market.
(R) The Magazine represents the College as a fresh and up to date place where Students feel like the right age yet still is a great place to learn.
(L) The Language on the front cover of the magazine is quite easy and it doesnt look like much effort has been put in to make it, because the front cover looks very empty as the Masthead has a lot of black space behind it which does make the Masthead stand out however it also makes it look very boring. The picture on the front cover isn't very good either because I believe this magazine was made to show what the college is like and made to try and portray the college in a good way but it looks cold and dull on the picture and therefore makes the college look bad rather than good. Although it does stand out with the black background. The House Style is very good and stays the same until the green gets introduced as it stands out to much in a bad way and looks really odd.
(I) The intitution that this is for is East Riding College, you can tell that from the logo on the front cover so you know what College it is from.
(I) The Magazine will have been made to inform the Students what is going on at the College and giving them some insight into whats happened recently and what will happen in the future.
(A) The Target audience for this magazine will be for about 16-19 year olds because thats how old the students at this College usually are or they could try to aim it at their parents.
(R) This Magazine represents the College in good and bad ways because it looks smart and grown up. However it also looks dull and boring.
(L) The front cover is very well presented and looks very professional except the fact that there isn't a Barcode or Price on there, The image of the girl on the front is a good image as it covers the whole front page and it also shows the girl smiling so it makes it look warm and welcoming. The Masthead is big colourful and bold which makes it stand out very well. There are Headlines on the side which have a little description on what they are talking about underneath so you get a good idea of whats in this issue of the Magazine. On the Contents page its very simple yet effective because there isn't much on there but it stands out and looks professional and it also has a 'word from the editor' which usually all the best Magazines have.
(I) The Institution that this Magazine is made by is King Edward VI College to promote themselves in the College.
(I) The Magazine will have wanted people to know about whats happening at the College at this time and gives them a look at all the courses they have to offer so they get a better feel of whats going on.
(A) The target audience will have been people of the age of around 16-19 because thats how old college students usually are.
(R) The Magazine represents the College as a nice welcoming place because of the Colour scheme which is reds, yellow, blue and green which are all nice bright colours and they also use the image of the girl smiling which makes them look welcoming and that all the Students are nice and get on.
My featured College
The College which will be featured in my Magazine will be Wyke 6th form College as I go to this College myself so getting pictures will be easier and I also know that there are a lot of Students there so there would be a large potential amount of customers.
LIAR Of the Brief
(L) In my College magazine I have to use language that is going to appeal to College students. This means that the style of the font and the words used in the magazine have to be appealing to students around the age of 16-19 because that is the demographic age of the College student. The masthead will have to be short and sweet! Something that is easy to see and say and can be easily spotted and recognised so the Students will take interest. On the front cover they will be an image and it will be a medium close up because that is what the brief is asking for and it also makes it look more professional. Also on the front cover they will be a Barcode, Price, Date and The Masthead.
(I) The magazine will be trying to tell the Students what’s going on at the College, trying to give help to Students and also they will get to quiz a teacher in each edition to give it a bit of fun.
(A) The Target audience of my magazine is around 16-19 year olds because that’s usually about the age of people who are at college so they are more likely to buy a magazine for that age rather than any others.
(R) I would like my magazine to portray Students in the right way rather than all the bad stereo-types they get, however I would like to use a bit of comedy with the bad stereo-types.
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
The Brief
Preliminary Exercise: Using DTP and an image manipulation program, procedure the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally you must produce a mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP.
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