Tuesday, 11 October 2011

LIAR Of the Brief

(L) In my College magazine I have to use language that is going to appeal to College students. This means that the style of the font and the words used in the magazine have to be appealing to students around the age of 16-19 because that is the demographic age of the College student. The masthead will have to be short and sweet! Something that is easy to see and say and can be easily spotted and recognised so the Students will take interest. On the front cover they will be an image and it will be a medium close up because that is what the brief is asking for and it also makes it look more professional. Also on the front cover they will be a Barcode, Price, Date and The Masthead. (I) The magazine will be trying to tell the Students what’s going on at the College, trying to give help to Students and also they will get to quiz a teacher in each edition to give it a bit of fun. (A) The Target audience of my magazine is around 16-19 year olds because that’s usually about the age of people who are at college so they are more likely to buy a magazine for that age rather than any others. (R) I would like my magazine to portray Students in the right way rather than all the bad stereo-types they get, however I would like to use a bit of comedy with the bad stereo-types.

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